Department of Pharmaceutical Toxicology


Assis.Prof.Dr. Seher KARSLI (Head of Department)

Assis.Prof.Dr. Ayfer BECEREN

Assis.Prof.Dr. Tuğçe YEŞİL EKİCİ



Main research area of our department is based on investigating the negative effects of chemical substances on living organisms and to define their harmless limits. Harmful effects of all chemical substances including drugs are aimed to investigate by using cellular, biochemical and molecular mechanisms.

 Therefore in order to obtain the toxicity data of drugs, various chemicals and to assess their impact on human and environmental;

 Toxicity research in animal modeling

  • Genetic polymorphisms
  • Genotoxicity and cytogenetic techniques
  • Biological macromolecules
  • Xenobiotic biotransformation
  • Drug safety
  • Environmental and clinical biomarkers
  • Environmental exposure, bioconcentration and bioacumulation
  • Food toxicology and natural toxins
  • Occupational toxicology is the main research area of our department.


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