Every year, MUPSA organizes a photography contest with different themes on Instagram. Participants participate in the contest by sharing photos that match the contest theme on their Instagram stories and tagging the @mupsaonline account on their Intagram stories.
Between the 16th and 20th of August in 2021, a photo contest was held by MUPSA on Instagram under the title “Water is Life, Seize the Life”. The importence of water against increasingly depleted water sources was emphasized.
The two finalists in the contest were determined by the MUPSA Board. On the 1st of September, the photo that winner of the contest was determined by a poll on MUPSA’s Instagram story. On the 3rd of September, the winner of the contest was announced on the MUPSA Instagram account. The winner of the contest was presented with a MUPSA t-shirt according to her choice.

Mupsa foto yarışması 2021.jpg (361 KB)