Our club established in 2004 by our faculty students and in addition to the academic study of the pharmacy profession as social activities awareness of the scope of students physical mental cultural and artistic talents in the fields/attributes uncover and serving the purpose of contributing to the development in these areas is a club attached to our Dean.
The mission of our club is to encourage, with the experience our students gained here in proffessional matters, self-renewing, in contact with our country and in the world of professional organizations, open to the world, sensitive to social problems,in place and time required to produce solutions ready to take responsibility individuals. Under the club activities,graduates of association in collaboration with graduate of our faculty career days invated representatives of industry or professional organizationn professional interviews /seminars, pharmacy-related trips to stores and companies pharmacy among colleagues and pharmacy students such activities of arts, culture and sports events are carried out. Also it is published a magazine named SENTEZ by our students.
President: İhsan Eren ASİLER
Vice President: Büşra KARAKALE
General Secretary: Zeynep ERDAĞ
Project and Educational Coordinator: Ezva Berika KILINÇ , Nigar Kübra GÖRMEZ
Public Health Coordinator: Betül KURT, Adel NALCI, Bengisu SAY
Media Coordinator: Buse ÜNSAL
Communication Officer: Nejla CANBOLAT
Social Events Coordinator: Zeynep Nur TAŞKARA, Bilge SAKA
Club Advisor: Prof.Dr. Levent KABASAKAL
Vice Club Advisor: Res. Assist. Ayşe Nur HAZAR YAVUZ
The Farmacademy Club which was founded in 2011, aimed primarily to socialize students. Hereby, it organizes parties, fairs, botanical tours, cultural tour, etc. social activities where the faculty students and sometimes academicians join. Painting and etc. arts activities which boost talents of the students are also included within the scope of organizational goals of this club. It is aimed to ensure student cooperation and more effective communication in the society by various social responsibility projects.
President: Ekinsu KILIÇ
Vice President: Melisa TEZCAN
General Secretary: Emin KARAMEŞE
Treasurer: Zeynep KORKMAZ
Academic Projects Coordinator: Damla KURT
Public Health Coordinator: Serap KÜÇÜK
Social Events Coordinator: Edanur ÇOLAK
Newspaper and Press Coordinator: Burcu KÖKÇÜ
Media Coordinator: İrem Ece BİLGİ
Design Coordinator: Elif Aybüke ERDEM
Theatre Coordinator: Hazan BÜR, Serhat KELEŞ
Trip Coordinator: Ece MENGELİBOĞA
Information Technologies Coordinator: Mina BAŞER
Club Advisor: Prof.Dr. Mesut SANCAR
Vice Club Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Betül OKUYAN
MUPSA is the opening of the “Marmara University Pharmacy Students Association” in English. Since 1997, MUPSA is a member of the international pharmacy students organizations IPSF (International Pharmaceutical Students ' Federation) and EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students' Association) which offers our students opportunities to communicate with pharmacy students from different countries, sharing cultures, and participate in international events.
MUPSA provides a professional activity platform for pharmaceutical students in order to make them better prepared for their career by being more active, knowledgeable, and confidential as individuals. MUPSA provides professional and social support for the pharmacists of the future by staidness and its decisive facilities. It leads to establish professional relationships and close friendships. Furthermore, members are found in useful social activities related to pharmacy and health.
In order to become active members of MUPSA it is sufficient to be pharmacy students, active at least one year in one of the coordinatorships and provide regular annual reports. Active members primarily benefit from MUPSA facilities. Students whose activity is less than 1 year and all faculty students become passive members. According to MUPSA Regulations, those who do not participate to its activities or students who do not submit regular reports will be converted to passive members. MUPSA encourages all pharmacy students from 1st to 5th classes who are determined to take place in facilities at least for a 1year. You can register to MUPSA by writing to
The Management Team of MUPSA is:
MUPSA Executive
President: Nihan ŞAHİN
EPSA Communication Secretary: Eyyüp IŞKIN
General Secretary: Müzeyyen KORKMAZ
Foreign Affairs Coordinator: Aylin Ece ŞAHİN
Treasurer: Gamze ÖZTÜRK
Project and Educational Coordinator: İlayda Rümeysa BAYRAK
Public Health Coordinator: Neslihan İZ
Public Relations Coordinator: Zeynep BAYINDIR
Publications Coordinator: Elif KARAKARAMAN
Social Events Coordinator: Sude Yaren AKTAN
Design Coordinator: Yusuf KALAYCI
IT Coordinator: Tuğba Nur MEŞE
Club Advisor: Assit.Prof.Dr Hale Özcömert Coşkun
Vice Club Advisor: Assit.Prof.Dr Aslı TÜRE
The teams of our Education & Project, Social Activity and Public Health coordinators are working actively.
You can get more detailed information about MUPSA at You can send your questions to

The group which has started its activities once again in 2012, consists of two guitarists, a side-blown flutist, a bass guitarist, a drummer and two vocalists.The first major activity of the group was the successful concert which has been done during the celebration of 14 May.
GroupSupervisor: Prof.Dr.Mesut SANCAR
The Theatre Society of Marmara University, Faculty of Pharmacy has become famous by its first activity that was a dramatized poetry reading and choral work done at Haydarpaşa campus in 14 May 1993. The next year the drama ”Oh These Youth” written by Turgut Özakman and “Mr X” written in 1995 by the teaching responsible member of the community and also the coach Assit. Assoc. Dr. Filiz Özdemir was staged by the contributions of the students who took place in the theatre society. Hence its extraordinary style it received many positive critics.
Since the exchange of personnel and reasons such as graduation of old students the society did not exhibit any drama except the traditional 14 May activities and the poetry reading on the 8 th of March,the International Working Women 's Day, but the community continu ed training on a regular basis in order to upskill newcomers and gain new students during the adoption of whose who have just met Istanbul and develop self-confidence and communication skills, the spirit of teamwork and empath, also it has gained important achievements in increasing awareness the and the society continues so on ...
The society has displayed “ Hero Women “Dario Fo- Franca Rame, “ Notification” from Václav Havel, “School of Artist” from Müjdat Gezen, ''Gratis Surrealistic Conversations” from Yılmaz Erdogan and in 2010 community members have written and exhibited ”Through the Eyes of a Pharmacist Candidates “(a play based on the life of a pharmacy student, which aestheticize the process from choseing the pharmacy faculty, the period of practise training and examine the issue of pharmacy profession and internship).The plays were exbibited in different locations such as Istanbul University, Yeditepe University , The Marmara Hotel , Marmara University ( Üzümcü Cultural Center) and the society members were have been invited to the 50th Anniversary celebration at December 2010 to Ankara University, Faculty of Pharmacy.
The Community is still working on the play “Peace” which has been written in B.C.421 by Aristophanes.
The Responsible:
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