Sixth Symposium of Journal of Research in Pharmacy, 19th April 2023 Pharmacology Debates Dedicated editors Editor-in-Chief; Prof.Hatice Kübra Elçioğlu, Prof.Levent Kabasakal, Prof.Mesut Sancar, Assoc.Prof.Esra Tatar, Assoc.Prof.Betül Okuyan, Assist.Prof.Ayşe Nur Hazar Yavuz, Assist.Prof.Büşra Ertaş, back up team; Assist.Prof.Mehmet Gümüştaş lecturers Prof.Long Chiau Ming, Dr.Said Moshawih, Assist.Prof.Ana Pejcic, Assist.Prof. Miloš N. Milosavljević , Assoc.Prof.Patrícia Rijo, Assoc.Prof.Beril Anılanmert, Assoc.Prof.Klodiola Dhamo, Dr.Oğuzhan Aydemir lectures; cheminformatics and machine learning in drug discovery, vitamins and some drugs effecting preterm birth and newborn health, natural product based brain tumor theraphy and hair loss, side effects of COVID vaccines and knowledge and behaviour of medical university students on drug storage and use.