The Entrepreneurial Pharmacists Community (GET) organized an event about "Article Days"

The first leg of the "Article Days" series was held on November 24, 2020 within the scope of training organizations organized by the Entrepreneurial Pharmacists Community (GET). Under the leadership of lecturer Pharmacy Faculty Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevgi KARAKUŞ, explained academic research techniques, types of reviews and writing, the qualifications of articles and reviews that we will prepare in career steps were; using online presentations, examples and live applications. We thank her for this support she gave us. We would like to thank both members of the general assembly Halime Hazırlar and Simge Ayyıldız, and club vice president Zeynep Nihan Şekeroğlu for handling the organization. We would also like to thank the broadcast moderator and club president Hilal Duran and all team members who contributed for all their help at every stage.

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